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Membangun Tim Yang Solid

Orang-orang di setiap tempat kerja selalu berbicara tentang membangun sebuah tim, bekerja sebagai tim, dan bagaimana meningkatkan kerjasama tim, tapi hanya sedikit yang mengerti tentang bagaimana menciptakan pengalaman untuk membangun sebuah tim dan bagaimana mengembangkan sebuah tim yang efektif.

Belonging to a team, in the broadest sense, is a result of feeling part of something larger than yourself. It has a lot to do with your understanding of the mission or objectives of your organization.

In a team-oriented environment, you contribute to the overall success of the organization. You work with fellow members of the organization to produce these results. Even though you have a specific job function and you belong to a specific department, you are unified with other organization members to accomplish the overall objectives. The bigger picture drives your actions; your function exists to serve the bigger picture.

Team building comes in many forms and the word alone has many implications depending on your perspective. Some folks see it as daring ropes courses pushing you to accomplish something fearful like bungee jumping off a bridge or flying through the air on a zip-line. Others view it as dialoguing on problems facing the team and brainstorming creative strategies to break through the conflict to innovations.

So what is it really?

The generic term team building is used in a lot of different ways. Here are some of the most common ways of looking at it. Team building is:
improving the overall performance of the group
developing and improving working relationships
challenging outdoor events that push you individually to accomplish something you’re anxious about or makes you fearful
improving communications, facing conflict and building trust
getting members engaged in decisions and prepared to solve problems and take ownership for their actions

So think about what the term means to you. What do you want to accomplish in your team-building experience? What are the challenges holding back your team from success?

At Javarove, we look at team building as an opportunity to build trust and rapport so communications will be open and honest; facing conflict with dialogue and not debate. Team building is the venue for improving work relationships, decoding the office politics, mastering conflict and enhancing communications so collaboration, trust and accountability will become the core team culture.

Javarove will custom design a team building program that works for you and your goals. Stay with us @javarove

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JAVAROVE EVENT MASTER THANKS FOR ALL CLIENT PT. Sampoerna Agro Tbk Offroad and paintball Cikole - Lembang     ===================================== PT Rabo Bank JAKARTA Puncak jaya Goes To Bandung  Outbound Teambuilding Offroad Paintball Cikole - Lembang     ===================================== Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) Soekarno - Hatta Building Service Commitment Hotel Puteri Gunung - Cikole       ===================================== Raynold and Family Offroad LandRover Lembang    ===================================== PT First Resource Group Camping Outbound Teambuilding Grafika - Cikole    ===================================== PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia ( Staff Adm ) Outbound Fun Games Bananna Inn - Bandung    ===================================== PT Dunkindo Lestari (Dunkin Donnut's) Employee Outing Grafika - Cikole   =========

Quranic Fun Camp

Hari Jumat tanggal 23 Desember 2016 yang lalu tim Javarove Event Master diundang oleh Ar Rahman Quranic College untuk mengisi kegiatan outbound islami adik-adik usia 11 Tahun di Pesantren Ar Rahman Quranic College (AQC), Mega Mendung, Kabupaten Bogor. Acara yang diberi tema Quranic Fun Camp tersebut diikuti oleh 70 lebih peserta dari Kota Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Hampir seluruh keluarga peserta datang untuk mengantarkan anaknya di hari pertama kegiatan. Setelah Shalat Jumat selesai, acara dimulai dengan sesi pembukaan oleh kakak-kakak panitia dari AQC, dan dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan Ayat Suci Al Quran oleh anak berusia 3 tahun, saat itu setiap yang hadir terutama orang tua peserta dibuat sangat takjub oleh kepintaran anak tersebut dalam membaca Al Quran. Dimulailah sesi outbound dilapangan, terlebih dahulu kakak-kakak MDO mengajak semua peserta untuk mencairkan suasana, peserta diarahkan untuk saling mengenal satu sama lain melalui beberapa permainan lucu yang memancing gelak t

Outbound Camp Grafika Cikole lembang

Outbound di Cikole Lembang dengan suasana Hutan Pinus, memang sedang populer di cari oleh Perusahaan yang menginginkan acara gathering ataupun liburan nya diisi dengan Outbound yang mengandung Essensi yang dapat dibawa ke pekerjaan nya. Outbound Fun games adalah salah satu Solusi untuk kegiatan Perusahaan Ceria Segar namun tetap sarat akan nilai-nilai Teamwork dan Leadership OUTBOUND LEMBANG PT First Resource Group Outbound Camp Grafika Cikole Lembang PT HAES BROTHER Outbound TeamBuilding Cikole Lembang